Participation Fees

For the participation in the Summer University fees apply. 

The fees include tuition (workshops and lectures), teaching material, delegate bag, certificate of attendance, and coffee breaks. You can enjoy free lunches at the University restaurant during the week. The Communal Dinners in the schedule are also free. However, you have to pay for drinks and extra servings / dishes yourself.

Fees do not cover travel, accommodation and other subsistence costs.


(doctoral) students (no employment & no scholarship, Babeș-Bolyai University)400 €
young scholars (Babeș-Bolyai University)*500 €
faculty / staff (Babeș-Bolyai University)700 €
(doctoral) students (no employment)500 €
young scholars (employed)*700 €
faculty / staff1100 €
staff of a commercial organisation / institutions1600 €
*For example, students pursuing a doctoral or postdoctoral degree who are hired on non-tenure-track positions or receive scholarships.
To find out which fee category applies to you, please get in touch with the organizers.