Code of Conduct

ESU 2024 Cluj-Napoca 

We want everyone to feel welcome, included, and safe throughout the event. This Code of Conduct sets expectations for all participants, provides steps to report violations of the Code, and lists possible consequences for those who violate this Code. The European Summer University in Digital Humanities does not tolerate harassment, discrimination and disturbing behaviour in any form. 

Our Summer University is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion. We do not tolerate harassment of participants in any form. Sexual language and imagery are not appropriate for any venue, including lectures, workshops, social gatherings, parties, or any online media. At the discretion of the conference organizers, ESU participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the Summer University without a refund. 

The European Summer University in Digital Humanities sets a tone of encouragement for mutual respect and growth both among participants and in the trainer-participant interaction. In this spirit, participation in the Summer University is grounded in the following: 

➢ We encourage discussions that focus on the work, not the person. 

➢ We practice active listening and engagement. 

➢ We give credit where credit is due. 

➢ We value transparency. 

➢ We support one another’s work and welcome support for our own. 

➢ We value fair and transparent labor relationships, and we work actively to counter exploitation. 

Behaviors not tolerated:

Discrimination and harassment includes, but is not limited to: 

➢ Harassment, including verbal comments relating to gender, sexual orientation, disability, race, ethnicity, religion, age, national origin, gender identity or expression, or physical appearance. 

➢ Inappropriate and/or unwanted physical contact. 

➢ Unwelcome sexual attention, which can include inappropriate questions of a sexual nature, asking for sexual favors or repeatedly asking for dates or contact information. 

➢ Stalking or deliberate intimidation. 

➢ Unwanted photography or recording (if you are asked to stop photographing or recording someone, please do so; if someone indicates that they do not want to be photographed or recorded, do not record or photograph them). 

➢ Discriminatory or sexual images in public spaces. 

➢ Sustained or willful disruption of talks, training sessions, lectures or other events. 

➢ Threats or acts of violence. 

➢ Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behavior. 

Discrimination/harassment is not: 

➢ Reasonable communication of boundaries, such as “leave me alone,” “go away,” or “I’m not discussing this with you”. 

➢ Refusal to explain or debate social justice issues when the person being asked is put in a defensive position based on their experience, personal identity, or safety. 

➢ Communication in a tone you don’t find congenial. 

➢ Discussion of sensitive topics. 

➢ Criticism of racist, sexist, cissexist, or otherwise oppressive behavior or assumptions. 

➢ “Reverse” -isms, including “reverse racism,” “reverse sexism,” and “cisphobia”. 

How to report a violation of the code of conduct 

If you have been involved in or witnessed an incident during the ESU.DH that you believe violates this Code of Conduct, you can report it in any of the following ways: 

  • Direct Message: Several members of the Organizing Committee will be identified as point people for reporting. Message any of them during the Summer University to receive a near-immediate response. 
  • Email: the organization team leader; you will receive a near-immediate response. 

The ESU.DH Organizing Committee will expeditiously and confidentially examine all incidents reported before, during, and after the summer school. We reserve the right to take actions we deem necessary at any time to remedy disruptive behavior that renders the summer school experience unsafe, unpleasant and disturbing for participants. Anyone found to be in violation of this Code of Conduct may be subject to sanctions, including, without limitation: 

➢ Require immediate compliance with the Committee’s decision. 

➢ Immediate cessation of harassing or disruptive behavior. 

➢ Immediate removal from the Summer University. 

➢ Temporary or permanent ban from any future ESU, participation, attendance, reviewing, and/or planning. 

We will not tolerate any actual or attempted reprisals or retaliation against individuals who raise in good faith a concern that this Event Code of Conduct has been violated, or who participate in the investigation of such a concern. The Committee takes all allegations of harassment and discrimination seriously and is committed to ensuring an environment that is free of any harassment or discriminatory activities. 

All the above are also corroborated with the Charter of the BBU ( and the BBU Code of Ethics ( In other serious matters, the Committee shall be assisted by the university’s Ombudsperson.